Happy hormones
Happy hormones

Serotonin also lingers in our system after exercise. (3) Exercise at low intensity: While endorphins are produced in anaerobic zones, serotonin results from aerobic exercise. That is why being outdoors makes people happier. (2) Expose yourself to sunlight: When sunlight reaches our skin, we produce vitamin D. (1) Choose positive thoughts: When we remember happy events or focus on gratitude, our brains produce more serotonin. Lack of it can cause irritability and depression. Serotonin boosts our mood and makes us more agreeable and sociable. This triggers the production of endorphins. (2) Eat spicy food: Receptors on our tongues react to spice by sending signals to our brains similar to pain signals. Endorphins don’t really help us to feel good, but they do help us feel less bad. (1) Exercise rigorously: Anaerobic exercise helps us to cope with chronic pains by activating our bodies’ natural painkillers. This is why we often feel blisters only after and not during the activity. When rigorous exercise depletes our muscles of glycogen (oxygen stores), endorphins allow us to push on. Today, we produce endorphins when exercising in our anaerobic zones. Historically, endorphins helped our ancestors to keep on running through the pain in order to escape from predators. Adrenaline doesn’t make us happy per se, just highly excitable!Įndorphins block pain. I’m leaving out adrenaline which stimulates a fight-or-flight response. Technically, some of these are neurotransmitters and not hormones, but we shan’t bother with those scientific details here. Happy hormones refer to endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. What are “happy hormones”? Specifically, why do some hormones make us happy, and how do we get more of these?

Happy hormones